Introduction and Importance:
Computer has always been a powerful tool of calculating information and it is widely is used around the world more frequently and speedily as the time elapsed.
It has now also become the most powerful and amazing powerful medium of sharing information and knowledge around the world.It is also used for communication purposes now a days.Almost every one has a computer and there are millions of users of computers .
In calculations,computer helps us to do large and tedious calculations in microseconds ,It is widely used by large organizations like banks,military organizations,hospitals,aerospace,research centers,factories as well as home computer users.
Computer Applications in life:
Computer Science education has become a part of the social life.Now-a-days nothing is complete without the help of computer in various applications and aspects of life .For example it is used in hospitals for patients record and many types of computers like patient's blood pressure, heart beat checking machines are widely used in good hospitals.Checking the health of a critical patient continuously has become impossible without computers and it has removes the need of large number of nurses and doctors looking after a patient in an ICU or Operation theater .
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