What is centripetal force:
Generally centripetal force is that force that tends a body to move in a circle or curved path.
It can be defined as
"The force that tends to move a body in circle is called centripetal force.
The center seeking force is called Centripetal force"
Centripetal force is that force that moves a body in circle .For example a stone tied at the end of the string When you move the string the stone tends to move in circle around its axis of rotation.This force is called centripetal force.or The center seeking force is called Centripetal force
Fc is the centripetal force acting on the body
m is the mass of the body
v is the velocity with it is moving
R is the radius of the orbit.
For example the gravitational field of earth provide the necessary centripetal force required by the satellites revolving around the earth.
According to newton 3rd law there is an reaction to every force, the force opposite to the centripetal force is called Centrifugal Force.It acts opposite to the direction of centripetal force.
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