
Thursday, 30 April 2015

The History of Computers

Computers History:

The computers and machines we are using today are not developed at once.The computer has its various generations as,

(i)First Generation of Computer

(ii)Second Generation of Computer

(iii)Third Generation of Computer

(iv)Fourth Generation of Computer

(v)Fifth Generation of Computer.


First calculating device(Abacus):

One of  The simplest and the most earliest calculating device was abacus.Abacus was developed around 300BC. It  was  used to calculate numbers or for additions and subtractions of the numbers.A simple ABACUS is a simple rectangular wooden frame with several parallel wires  and a wire has a number of  beads .These beads are free to slide over the length of the wires vertically when doing additions,counting etc.Each wire of the ABACUS represent a digit.



Abacus was used before the  numbers systems were adopted by merchants,traders,people and sometimes by everyone.Today it is  a part of our museums.But still it is widely used in various parts of world like Asia,Africa,etc.But it is not very common in the world.

Introduction To Importance of Computer Science.

Introduction and Importance:

Computer has always been a powerful tool of calculating information and it is widely is used around the world more frequently and speedily as the time elapsed.
It has now also become the most powerful and amazing powerful medium of sharing information and knowledge around the world.It is also used for communication purposes now a days.Almost every one has a computer and there are millions of  users of computers .

In calculations,computer helps us to do large and tedious calculations in microseconds ,It is widely used by large organizations like banks,military organizations,hospitals,aerospace,research centers,factories as well as home computer users.

Computer Applications in life:

Computer Science education has become a part of the social life.Now-a-days nothing is complete without the help of computer in various applications and aspects of life .For example it is used in hospitals for patients record and many types of computers like patient's blood pressure, heart beat checking machines are widely used in good hospitals.Checking the health of  a critical patient continuously has become impossible without computers and it has removes the need of large number of nurses and doctors looking after a patient in an ICU or Operation theater .

Moral of This Discussion:

Hence,computer science education has become an important part in our daily life.Without computers,the today's world is nothing.But is doesn't  mean that other subjects have no value but instead they all are important in their own way!.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Centrifugal force:

don't be confused with this topic ,

Centripetal Force has come from Latin words (centrum means center and fugree means to flee) it is an outward seeking force.


It is the force that moves the body in the outward motion from its circular motion when moving in circle .This force is due to the property of the body called inertia.Centrifugal force is an outward force

 .Some scientists have explained some major concepts about the centrifugal force .

Major concepts:

I. Inertial force
II. Reaction force ,according to the newton 3rd law of motion.


The concepts of the centrifugal force is applied to the rotating or moving in circular path,bodies 
such as various machines working on the concept of  centrifugal force.
For example you have a washing machine dryer or cloths dryer at home .It also works on a principle of centrifugal force , motor in the dryer spin the clots at a very high speed that the water inside the wet clots get out through the holes on the body of the dryer , due  the the outward seeking centrifugal force,Thus washing dryers also works on a  principle of centrifugal force.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Centripetal Force

                            What is centripetal force:                                     


Generally centripetal force is that force that tends a body to move in a circle or curved path.
It can be defined as 

"The force that tends to move a body in circle is called centripetal force.


The center seeking force is called Centripetal force"


Centripetal force is that force that moves a body in circle .For example a stone tied at the end of the string When you move the string the stone tends to move in circle around its axis of rotation.This force is called centripetal force.or The center seeking force is called Centripetal force



Fc is the centripetal force acting on the body
m is the mass of the body
v is the velocity with it is moving
R  is the radius of the orbit.

For example the gravitational  field of earth provide the necessary centripetal force required by the satellites revolving around the earth. 


According to newton 3rd law there is an reaction to every force, the force opposite to the centripetal force is called Centrifugal Force.It acts opposite to the direction of centripetal force.